We survive solely through donations, grants and fundraising and the tireless efforts of a dedicated band of volunteers.
Every donation, however small, helps us look after the dogs and cats in our care.
Every dollar and every gift we receive is used for the benefit of our animals.

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.

We issue tax receipts in late July every year.  If you would like a receipt before then, please email us at [email protected]
For your peace of mind, South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc is an incorporated non-profit animal welfare charity.
We are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, the national regulator of charities in Australia.

ABN   35180901813   CRM0204537   BIN 0000545205158   Certificate of Incorporation # IA55847

By Paypal

By Direct Deposit


South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc
BSB: 014735
Account: 218845188

Small Weekly Sponsorship
Adds Up


With as little as $2 a week – less than the price of a cup of coffee – you can help pay for the veterinary care of our sick and injured animals.

Set up a recurrent transfer from your bank account to ours and be a regular contributor to our animal rescue work.

By Donating Goods

We are in constant need of the following items:

  • Cat food – Advance kibble & Felix wet preferred
  • Dog food – dry & wet
  • Worming tablets for cats & dogs
  • Flea treatments for cats & dogs
  • Old blankets & towels

All donations can be dropped off at:
Total Dog Grooming
355 Mclean Rd
or posted to:
South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc
355 Mclean Rd
Durong QLD, 4610, Australia

By Leaving a Bequest


If you would like to make a bequest to South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc, consider whether you wish to express the bequest as a fixed amount or as a percentage of your estate or as that portion of the estate remaining after payment of all debts, expenses and specific gifts.

We suggest the following wording (which should be discussed further with your solicitor or estate planner):

I give and bequeath to South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc Inc. ABN 35180901813 for the use and purpose of South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc Inc. the sum of $        OR  <Percentage> of my estate OR  the residue of my estate, free of all taxes and duties, and the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc. shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for this legacy.

See the Difference YOU Can Make

South Burnett Educational Wildlife Support Group Inc is a 100% non-profit organisation.

Here are some of the animals who have been helped by kind and generous people like you.

Click on the photos to read their stories: